Citation Intel
Places Scout’s powerful citation analysis capability gives you a complete picture of both your citations and your competitor’s.
Each citation found is verified for NAP accuracy and consistency.

Powerful Citation Finder
Places Scout’s advanced citation finding algorithm performs an in-depth search to locate all of your potential citation sources, ensuring that no citation gets lost.
Individual Citation Verification
Places Scout’s Citation Finder algorithm performs citation verification on each potential citation source found by visiting each site and verifying that it is actually a true citation for the given business – meaning that the content on citing website actually contains the business’ name, address, and phone number.
This gives you a true count of the actual citation sources for your client as seen by the eyes of Google Citation sources returned for each result are segmented between those that are verified and those that at least one mention of the business was found on Places Scout tells you whether the business’ name, address, phone number, and/or website URL were found on each citing website in an easy to read yes / no format
This helps you identify potential citation sources that have incorrect business data (wrong address, phone number, etc) so that you can work on fixing this information on these sites. Fixing incorrect citation information is important so that Google picks it up as a citation source for your business
Citation Metrics

Summary Metrics
Citation Summary Metrics give you aggregate metrics across all citing websites found, including Total Verified Citations, Total Mentions, Total Reviews, and more.

Competitor Citation Analysis
Compare your client’s citations in relation to their competitor’s and learn where they have citations and you don’t.

Citations by Site
The Citation By Site view allows you to see exactly how many citations your business has on each of the websites where you are found.
Advanced Settings
Custom Citation Search Queries – Allows you to specify custom citation locator queries that Places Scout will use to locate citations for the given business in addition to the default citation locator queries that Places Scout uses.
Customizable Number of Results to Gather Per Citation Locator Search Query – Allows you to increase the number of results Places Scout will gather for each citation locator query, which results in even more citations found by Places Scout. You can choose to gather up to 500 results per citation locator query with this feature unlocked.

Get Started Today
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If you prefer to speak with someone over the phone, you can call us directly at (714) 604-1604. We’re here to help from 8AM-5PM PST.